The Discussion We Need to Have
Reports estimate that that American women spend a staggering $426 billion a year on beauty products. We place a high value on beauty.
We want beautiful homes, beautiful weddings, beautiful getaways to exotic places. Beauty is a good thing, in our eyes. But do we want beautiful holiness?
The Bible describes holiness as a beautiful thing. “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”
This got me thinking, “Why don’t we value holiness like we should?””Why don’t we think of holiness as beautiful?” I asked several teen girls and a few of my friends their thoughts on this matter, which I’ll share in the next few days.
But for now, the first, question: “What’s the first thing you think of when you think of a holy person? The good, the bad, the ugly?”
Some of the answers:
A person who:
- tries not to sin
- is reserved, serious,
- is a monk, priest, nun,
- is judgmental, outspoken about how people should live,
- always looks down on everyone else,
- knows God and tries to pursue Him,
- always assumes that everyone else is less spiritual or too liberal.
Obviously, from these answers, we’ve got some confusion about what holiness is.
You’d think holiness looked like this:
Yet the Bible describes it as beautiful and expected. In fact, we only know what holiness looks like because of Christ. He was the epitome of all that is lovely, and kind, and humble. So why do we have such distorted views of this? And further, how do we follow the command to “Be ye holy, for I am holy,” if we don’t know what it is, or associate it with so many negative and untrue connotations?
I think we need a discussion on this, which is exactly what I plan to do this week.
What are your thoughts? Do you think of holiness as a desirable, beautiful trait for a Christian woman?
Chime in.
I think we don’t associate holiness with beauty because the majority of people aren’t taught that true beauty is more of an internal characteristic than external and holiness begins with a heart attitude. Similar to modesty…modesty isn’t primarily about what you wear but starts with an overall heart attitude. We can only reflect true beauty and holiness as we spend time with the Lord seeking Him and that takes time but we’re such a busy fast-paced culture that it’s tough to sit still long enough and make the time He deserves. I love Psalm 27:4 when David says one thing he has asked that he may dwell in the house of the Lord forever and behold the beauty of the Lord. That often is not the one thing I ask and seek 🙁
Great thoughts!
God did tell us to be holy as He is holy and then He sent His Son as an example of that holiness. I think that being in fellowship with Him is what creates that holiness. Unfortunately, this isn’t often something the world esteems. I am looking forward to this discussion!
Yes, fellowship. That’s key!
If someone asked me what holiness looks like, all I could say is that they should look at Jesus. Maybe that just sounds like a Sunday school answer, but it’s really the only one I’ve got.
Yes. I think the same thing. Yet, we are told to be holy like He is.