Tag: priorities

Take Inventory, and Clean Out Your Junk

Take Inventory, and Clean Out Your Junk

The fight for a disciplined, godly life is like cleaning the junk out of your closet. Sometimes you have to go through your stuff and ask, “Why do I have this?” “Does it fit?” “What does this piece say about me?”  “Is this necessary?Appropriate?” As 

Fall Planning: Carve out time to live your true calling.

Fall Planning: Carve out time to live your true calling.

Whenever I talk to younger moms, the same question always comes up in one form or another: How am I supposed to get everything done?! If you’ve had kids for more than two minutes, you know that, despite our best efforts, unpredictability and busy-ness is the 

How I Plan and Prioritize My Weeks

Several of you have told me that you wish you could sit at my kitchen table and see how I plan our busy life so I thought I’d do a post about what that looks like. For years I’ve used this Weekly Priority Printable that I 

Balancing Ministry and Motherhood

Update: Hey girls, I’m reposting this from the archives, because I get this question quite a bit. 🙂 Happy Planning!   I received this question yesterday on balancing ministry and children from a lovely reader and thought I would post on this topic. Q: 1. How 

Have We Lost Something? Missionary Wives Speak.

Do you ever wonder if we have lost something as American Christians? Have we lost perspective? Focus? Are our eyes on the right goals? We live in the wealthiest country in the whole world in a continual state of relative ease and comfort. Being a 

An Opportunity I Will Have To Miss

Everyone is looking for ways to balance their busy lives. We have so many things tugging at us as 21st century busy women. And as school starts, life can feel like a frantic rat race. We have to sift through the good to make room 

Honoring God With My Priorities (plus a Printable Weekly Planner)

Life gets busy and before you know it, if I am not careful, I can be swept away in its tide. So, in order to live intentionally  I sit down on the weekend and plan my entire week. I know that God has given me