Tag: homeschool

7 Must-Read Books for Homeschooling Moms

Homeschooling is a daunting task and stepping into the world of homeschooling can be terrifying and overwhelming. There are so many questions and where do you even begin? I’ve been there. Over the years I’ve read so many homeschooling books, some good and some meh. 

A blog about nothing in particular?

It’s come to my attention that my little blog is not easily classified. When people ask me what I write about, I don’t really know what to tell them. Just this past week a lady asked me, “I hear you have a blog. What do you 

Homeschooling Mom, You Are in Charge of Your Happiness.

I spoke to a younger homeschooling mom this week who was clearly exhausted and suffering from burn-out. After telling me why she was dreading the next two months of “school” , I asked her if she’d ever considered this: “You are completely in charge of 

A New Book to Nourish Your Soul

When we first started homeschooling, I had two book mentors that impacted me tremendously and Sally Clarkson was one of them. Sally’s volume, Educating the WholeHearted Child was recommended to me by a friend, and I quickly devoured it. It helped give me a big 

Cranberry History Lesson: The Kids Using the 1920’s Hand Separator

We had the loveliest of days today. We went out for lunch, then headed to a local farm to see some fall displays, then over to my dad’s cranberry bogs to watch the harvest. The kids got a special treat today when Grandpa let them