Tag: friendship

Seeking Friendship {Ministry Wives Edition}

For the next few posts I’ll be answering a few ministry related questions I’ve received over the last few months. Hopefully, by reading someone else’s perspective, it’ll help you make sense of your situation. I know every ministry situation is different and has its own 

Friendship is Not All About Me { and it’s like sorting laundry}

Friendship is not strictly a way for our needs to be met. Friendship is not all about you or me. God may give you “friends” that you wish He never sent your way. Sometimes people are draining and moody, tiresome and just plain not who 

All Friendships Are Not Created Equal, And That’s Okay.

  I plan to spend a few posts talking about friendship. We all have many kinds of friends and different levels of friendship. Here’s the thing: All friendships are not created equal, and that is okay. In fact, knowing this will help you in the 

Thoughts on Friendship from Me and C.S. Lewis

Today seemed like a holiday. A mini-vacation. My friend Shana asked me to go over for lunch. We are both in the same season of life, each of us with a child away right now: hers in military training and mine in Germany. Our kids 

A notice, that I am guest posting, turned tribute to Peter.

Just wanted to let you know that I was invited to be part of a “31 day marriage challenge” and am a contributing writer along with 31 other women writing about marriage this month. I am thankful for God’s grace over our marriage as Peter 

A Little Secret for Moms

This is a post dedicated to mothers of young children–babies and toddlers, to be precise. I have a little secret to tell you… Being a mother is hard. It is the hardest job you will ever do. Babies don’t come with manuals. Sometimes the “maternal 

Do You Like Your Husband?

“Train the young women to…love their husband.” Titus 2:4 Titus 2 gives us a checklist of seven good things that older women in the church are to pass along to the younger women in the church.  The first in this list of things to learn