Tag: Charlotte Mason

K4 Homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason Method

K4 Homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason Method

Several friends have asked me to text them what I’m using with our little guy for K4. Since my texting skills rot, I’m going to type it out here and share. This list is a bit tedious/detailed so feel free to click away if this 

7 Must-Read Books for Homeschooling Moms

Homeschooling is a daunting task and stepping into the world of homeschooling can be terrifying and overwhelming. There are so many questions and where do you even begin? I’ve been there. Over the years I’ve read so many homeschooling books, some good and some meh. 

Nature Study for the Very Young {Plus Birds of Northeast Printable}

I wanted to share a few thoughts on Nature Study for the very young. This fall, I’ll start integrating “Little B” (3 years old) into our homeschooling day. Of course, nothing will be formal because at this age play is the best tool for learning 

A Parenting Gem from Charlotte Mason, That Nearly Every Other Parenting Book Missed

I’m re-reading Home Education by Charlotte Mason and I stumbled upon this nugget of mothering goodness that stayed with me for months and wanted to share it, as I don’t recall ever reading it explained this way anywhere else. (And let’s be honest, you’ve seen 

Homeschooling Mom, You Are in Charge of Your Happiness.

I spoke to a younger homeschooling mom this week who was clearly exhausted and suffering from burn-out. After telling me why she was dreading the next two months of “school” , I asked her if she’d ever considered this: “You are completely in charge of 

Thoughts on being scared to death of homeschooling, and thoughts on the thoroughly educated child

I’m entering my 17th year of homeschooling. If you’ve read here for more than two minutes you know I favor the Charlotte Mason method, have an artsy/crafty bent, emphasize music and poetry, read a lot, and tend to be rather eclectic. What you might not 

DIY Watercolor Bird Silhouette Art for Kids

I’m teaching a great group of homeschoolers simple watercolor techniques, and today I thought I’d post our next project as a tutorial that you can use for your kids. Silhouette art is popular right now, and is super easy to create. Supply list:  Watercolor paper, 

Charlotte Mason on Taking Kids Outdoors

This week I have been re-reading Home Education  by Charlotte Mason to my great delight. I am gearing up for the fast approaching school year. Charlotte Mason encouraged mothers to take their children outside for walks and to observe the nature that is all around 

An Example Of A Charlotte Mason Narration

Many of you know that I tend toward the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling, and one of the things that I LOVE about the method is narration. Narration can be tricky for some reason, so I wanted to show you two examples of what it 

Summer: The Perfect Time to Begin Nature Study

If you are at all familiar with Charlotte Mason’s methods, you know that she encouraged teachers to expose their students to nature. And summertime is the perfect time to start nature study with your kids, because they have so much free time out doors. If