Tag: family

Homeschooling Mom, You Are in Charge of Your Happiness.

I spoke to a younger homeschooling mom this week who was clearly exhausted and suffering from burn-out. After telling me why she was dreading the next two months of “school” , I asked her if she’d ever considered this: “You are completely in charge of 

Are You Accomplishing Anything For God?

Maybe you’re discouraged today, dear friend. Maybe you’re wondering if what you’re doing matters in the long run. Last week I wondered, too. I was reading over a list of New Year’s questions (meant for personal reflection and growth) from a sweet friend in a 

Your God-ordained Job for Today

“What does God want me to do?” or “What is God’s will for my life?” These are two common questions women ask. They flounder: “I feel like I should be doing more…maybe I’m missing the boat somewhere.” Have you ever felt this way? I’ve come 

Traditions Are Memories You Choose To Create

Easter is just around the corner. Do you have any special family traditions? If not, I would encourage you to start some! When you choose a family tradition, you are making a memory through consistency and ritual.  It takes a little planning (and of course 

Honoring God With My Priorities (plus a Printable Weekly Planner)

Life gets busy and before you know it, if I am not careful, I can be swept away in its tide. So, in order to live intentionally  I sit down on the weekend and plan my entire week. I know that God has given me