Tag: book study

Take Inventory, and Clean Out Your Junk

Take Inventory, and Clean Out Your Junk

The fight for a disciplined, godly life is like cleaning the junk out of your closet. Sometimes you have to go through your stuff and ask, “Why do I have this?” “Does it fit?” “What does this piece say about me?”  “Is this necessary?Appropriate?” As 

Let’s Start! Disciplines of A Godly Woman Book Study.

Welcome to our fall book study! I think this classic book, Disciplines of A Godly Woman, will be a blessing to you! If you want to join in, grab a copy of the book, and follow along reading just two chapters a week. If you 

6 Simple Ways To Grow Spiritually in 5 Minutes A Day

6 Simple Ways To Grow Spiritually in 5 Minutes A Day

Sometimes we make spiritual growth harder than it needs to be, am I right? As believers in Christ, we know that in order to thrive we need to be walking in the Spirit, but too often we get stuck in ruts. We believe that DOING 

Seasons and the Limitations of our own Creatureliness. (ReFresh, Ch. 4 &5)

Seasons and the Limitations of our own Creatureliness. (ReFresh, Ch. 4 &5)

I’ve lived in the same county my entire life and grew up in an agrarian family. We were very aware of the seasons and how they affect our life, the landscape, our dress, and our crops. There’s comfort knowing a place so well that you 

ReFresh Chapter 2 Recap

ReFresh Chapter 2 Recap

In Chapter 2 of Refresh, Shona looks back at what went wrong and led to her emotional and physical breakdown. She encourages us to reflect by “replaying” the circumstances of our own seasons of burnout. When we do this, we can see where our theology was