Hi, I’m Sarah, and I’m so glad you’ve visited my little corner of the internet.
If you were at my kitchen table, I’d offer you a warm drink and try to make you as comfortable as possible. After all, when someone enters your home, you take responsibility over their well-being for the time being.
For the last 10 years at Joyfilleddays.com, I’ve invited you to take a place at my virtual kitchen table. Here, I hope you’ll find stimulating conversation, thoughtful book reviews, Biblical encouragement, and friendship. And I hope to leave a digital legacy for my children, grandchildren, and those who come behind me.
Some of the topics we discuss here:
- Marriage {29 years, married to my high school sweetheart, Peter.}
- Motherhood {to 6 great kids– ages 6-27}
- Grandchildren {I have three so far! Being grandma is the BEST.}
- Home education {Traditional to Charlotte Mason method.}
- Home making favorite recipes, handmade decor, and centerpieces)
- Creative Living {producing art and expressing creativity in the home for the love of it or for the benefit of children or one special person}
- Ministry {Teen ministry, hospitality, discipleship, mentoring}
- Hospitality {Want to come over?}
- Jesus Christ {And what I am learning as I follow Him.}
- Choosing Joy {Because we make that choice every day.}
I’m most active on Instagram so follow me there for daily updates and to take part in our Christian book studies. We’ve gone through Disciplines of A Godly Woman, Humility by Andrew Murray and We Would See Jesus by Roy Hession. You’ll find them saved in my Instagram Highlights.
I’m so glad you stopped by!
If you would like to contact me, you can email me at joyfilledmama@gmail.com
I basically got off IG in December with their new rules/guidelines. I miss watching your stories and totally forgot about your blog! The Lord laid you on my heart & helped me find you over a month later ♥️ I’m definitely need to be on your email list!
Thanks for sharing that with me, Rachel. Did you add your name to the subscription box so you will receive emails? Are you joining in our Read through the OT challenge that begins today? Hope you’ll join us.
Commenting so I can subscribe on my phone (after finding this blog through your instagram).
Thank you for your encouraging, challenging, biblical and Jesus focused content.
Thank you so much, Jen. I am so glad you are here!
Hi, is this how I can subscribe?
Thank you. I’ll be sure to add you!
Yes, I will take care of it for you! Thank you so much.
I saw your post on IG and am requesting to be added to you email list. Thank you!!!
Thanks so much! Glad you are here!
Like what I read so far.
I would love to be added to your email list. You have been such a blessing and encouragement to me. Thank you for being willing to share what you have learned!
I’ve made your New England style duck sauce three times now. Thank you so much! It is impossible to find in stores and yours tastes almost exactly like what we get at our restaurants here in the southern Vermont and western Massachusetts area. The only difference is the color. Our area serves it pink. So I cut the soy sauce in half and use a dash is salt instead and add a tiny touch of natural based red food coloring. I like to cook my own Asian food at home and now I can have just like the restaurant duck sauce to go with it! Thank you and god bless!!
I’m so glad you liked it.
Thank you so much for all your encouragement and always pointing me to Jesus.
I would like to sign up for your email posts.
I’ll sign you up!
Club 31 Women sent me here. Want to get your daily emails.
Glad you are here.
Hi, I tried making your DD vanilla chai, I don’t know what I did wrong? All I taste is the tea. Do you have any suggestions? It’s the right color, any suggestions would be appreciated. I love DD vanilla chai. Thank you.
Hi Priscilla. I have no idea what went wrong. Did you try adding more mix to the milk? What brand tea granules did you use? I’ll help if I can. 😉
Oh Sarah. What a complete blessing you are. I happened upon your website looking for answers to our spoiling through philosophy and vain deceit. I wrote down the book to read – Generation me and how far we can stray from the beautiful and perfect will of God. Our culture is inundated with ME and ME leaves such an emptiness. I see you are a woman of wisdom and you also see it as the “principal thing”. Proverbs 4:7. But as i say…but the whole chapter is good. May our gracious and worthy to be praised, honored and glorified Father continue to shine upon you and bless you for your following hard after Him.
One of your sisters in Christ,
Lenore Nail
Forest Grove Oregon
Thank you for this note, Lenore. You have no idea how much I needed this kind word tonight. God bless you.
Hi Sarah!
I just found your blog via Thankful Homaker. Such a beautifully encouraging place here! I cannot wait to read more.
Thank you, Shari. So glad you came to visit. <3
Thank you for visiting! Glad you were encouraged. <3
I just came across your blog. What a beautiful family you are!!! One thing that came to mind is how sensitive your boy is going to be, having grown up with female siblings. I knew of a guy like that and it truly makes a male sensitive in a way that is a treasure. He will be a great husband to someone special one day. Just wanted to share that. 🙂 Bless you in all you do!
Thank you. Very kind of you to stop by!
Just read your post about the small town pastor – good stuff!!! We have a man just like the one you describe…so thankful for him!! Looking forward to reading more of what you share – I too am a homeschool Mom with 5 kids as well. Our baby is 2 and oldest 11 so as you well know, no dull moments!! Thanks again for your words and encouragement! Blessings!
Thanks for stopping by! You are a busy mom! 🙂 My youngest is 11 and oldest will be 22 this summer. I’m 10 years ahead of you. Homeschooling is hard, but wonderful. I’m so thankful for the time I had with my kids. God bless you!
What a life full of fulfilling work!
I have five kids too, Sarah. Ages 1-10. Busy,busy. And good.
I’m currently homeschooling my 9yr old daughter, but I hope to have everyone home in the future. I can imagine you have a lot to teach me since you are a few steps farther down the road. Blessings to you!
Hi, Sarah,
I’m enjoying your space this evening. I appreciate your comment and your linking to my post this past week. I now am enjoying reading your words of experience and wisdom on your blog. Thanks for writing and sharing with us younger moms! I pray rich blessings for you!
I read your post this morning on taking the time to refresh your soul. I need to be reminded of this all the time. Life takes me in and I always forget to take time to refresh me. I have been married 27 years and have 5 children 10 to 21 years old. 3 of them are special needs. 1 of them plays every sport. I have kids in homeschool, private Christian school, public school and college. Most days I am extremely forgetful and stressed.
Thank you for the reminder. May God continue to bless your family and your blog as you help other on their journey as Christians. Blessings, Diane Roark
I enjoy receiving your posts on e-mail.
I found a link to your planner …under “Do You Like Your Husband.” Thank you!
Oh good. I am glad you found it! 🙂 Feel free to share it with your ladies. The idea came from Linda Dillow’s book, Creative Counterpart, I believe. I tweaked it to fit our needs. 🙂 Glad you stopped by!
I have enjoyed reading some of your post. I came here yesterday (and I’m not quite sure how I ended up on your blog….maybe from “comfy in the kitchen”?) Anyway, I saw a daily planner form that I loved with priorities listed on the side. I went to save a copy and realized I was on my 20 year old son’s laptop! I came back to download it to my home computer but can’t find it. I would love to share it with the ladies in our Titus 2 ministry. Could you e-mail or reply to this post with the date of that blog post? Thank you so much!
Hi Sarah,
I just came across your site, and am a new christian ( 2.5 yrs now) Praise God !! but as i seek to know the Lord more and more i found your site helpful. Im seeking gods guidance, and just continueing to praise him thru my storm 🙂
Thanks Again
Welcome, Tracy. So glad to hear you are seeking God’s will for your life. 🙂
I stumbled upon your blog through a link at Women Living Well and I’m so glad I did…. you were speaking to my heart when you spoke about checking out your life by your tongue!
Keep it up, God is using you and your family it reach tired out momma’s of many blessings. I don’t have a blog but sure enjoyed yours.
God Bless
Just came across your blog. Loving it! I’m a sahm to 3 young kids (5,4 and 10 mos). I’m doing a 30-Day Thankful Challenge on my blog (www.thebangtheorychristianmom.blogspot) so I really appreciated your statement that joy is a choice — we can either choose joy or choose to complain. I love it! That is my goal through this 30-day challenge…to get into the habit of choosing to remember how God has blessed me instead of complaining when things get tough! Thank you.
Great to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog:) Are you on twitter?
No Stacy. No Twitter for me! 🙁
Hello Sarah! I followed a link to your blog from Living Well Wednesdays… I’m so pleased to “meet” you! You have a beautiful family.
I’m a 30-yr old homschooling mama with four children, ages 7 and under; a pastor’s wife; and a blogger.
I look forward to getting to know you better!
Blessings, Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage
So nice to have you stop by, Kristy! God bless you and your family!
I have recently fallen in love with Jane Austen movies and am trying to watch them all. Love your site!
Every day in All things…choose JOY. So true!
I came across your blog via Joyful Mothering. Your comment about being influential on our children and your examples of children you’ve seen be influences in a negative way was truly eye-opening. I am excited to hop around your blog and read what else you have to say! Thank you!
Hi Sarah, It is my first time visiting from “Modern Mrs. Darcy”….I signed up under my personal e-mail address; I would like to study the Wise Woman with you. Our LOV group just finished a one year study on the same- If you are looking for an excellent resource- “God’s Priceless Woman” by Wanda Kennedy Sanseri.
God bless as you teach us to be Godly women- the world needs us!
Sarah –
I followed your link back from a comment on my blog. 🙂 I love the name of your site! Joy truly is a choice, daily…hourly. 🙂 I come from a family of 5 children (I am the oldest) and my mom homeschooled us as well. So, I know you’ve got your work cut out for you, but God’s grace is so sufficient!!
May God richly bless you and your sweet family!
Hi Sarah….just subscribed to your blog today and look forward to my daily Inbox deliveries:)