Tag: faith

Long Expected Jesus

Long Expected Jesus

Expectancy. To expect. To look forward to. To anticipate. Some say that expectations are little more than premeditated resentments. I guess we learn from living in a broken world that it’s safer not to expect too much, not to set our hearts on anything, not to 

For when you are not okay

Summer awakens my senses. After a cold New England winter, the warmth of the softened ground gives way to growth and I love everything about it. The smell of freshly cut grass, the sounds of Katydids and frogs in the pond on summer nights, the 

When Life’s Hard, Remember These 4 Truths.

Life can be hard, let’s face it. It rarely ends up looking like we pictured or planned. Our loved ones get cancer, children rebel, loved ones die, relationships fail. People who should nurture us end up scarring us. The evening news is maddening and terrifying. 

Facing Worry and Breaking the Cycle

The last three weeks feel like the rug of life has been pulled out from under us. We’ve had our share of trials to say the least. We are still waiting for things to right themselves. We’ve experienced run of the mill trials, we’ve hurt 

Why Having Nothing and Being Empty Can Be A Good Thing

I love studying the women of God in the Bible and here’s why: because they all have something in common, and it’s not glamorous, flashy or anything you’d ever covet. What they have is some kind of emptiness. A need, a want, or a lack. 

Fear, Faith and Following {Ministry Wives Monday Guest Post}

I’m so excited to have a guest post submitted by a missionary wife and friend, Michelle. Michelle has served as an assistant pastor’s wife and is currently serving overseas with her husband on the mission field.  They have three children, ages 8, 7, and 3, 

When God Says “I AM,” He is.

This weekend at our ladies luncheon our guest speaker, Mrs. Pat Berg, spoke on how much God loves us and then asked if we really believed that. She knew that intellectually we would say yes. But in our day to day living, does our life