Tag: Refresh

Fall Plan-A-Thon and pulling out my best china

Fall Plan-A-Thon and pulling out my best china

They say that your handbag reflects your personality, and that the state of its inside reflects your current state of mind. I hope that’s not true because the inside of my bag has been a mess. I opened it last week to find the remnants 

Recognizing “drainers” and “fillers” (Refresh, ch.8)

In chapter 8 of ReFresh, Shona Murray talks about remedying depression and choosing to balance the things that drain the life out of us, with the things that give us energy and fill us up. She discusses things that help depression: Good exercise, good sleep, 

Re-Thinking Self-Care and The Bare Minimum Self-Care Routine

Re-Thinking Self-Care and The Bare Minimum Self-Care Routine

We’re reading through ReFresh in our study group and the topic of self-care has emerged as a confusing concept for many of us. What exactly is self care? Is it selfish? Is it compatible with Christianity? Aren’t we supposed to deny ourselves? Isn’t self-care “taking thought for our 

Seasons and the Limitations of our own Creatureliness. (ReFresh, Ch. 4 &5)

Seasons and the Limitations of our own Creatureliness. (ReFresh, Ch. 4 &5)

I’ve lived in the same county my entire life and grew up in an agrarian family. We were very aware of the seasons and how they affect our life, the landscape, our dress, and our crops. There’s comfort knowing a place so well that you 

ReFresh Chapter 2 Recap

ReFresh Chapter 2 Recap

In Chapter 2 of Refresh, Shona looks back at what went wrong and led to her emotional and physical breakdown. She encourages us to reflect by “replaying” the circumstances of our own seasons of burnout. When we do this, we can see where our theology was 

An Introduction to the Grace-Paced Life (Refresh, Intro & Ch.1)

An Introduction to the Grace-Paced Life (Refresh, Intro & Ch.1)

We’re one week into our 10 week Refresh book study and I wanted to recap the Introduction and Chapter 1. In the introduction to the book, the frantic life and the grace-paced life are contrasted and placed before us as two opposing options. We all know 

REFRESH Winter Book Study Details!

REFRESH Winter Book Study Details!

It’s that time! I wanted to give you the details about our online winter book study. We’re reading Refresh: Embracing a Grace-paced Life in a World of Endless Demands by David and Shona Murray and we start JANUARY 15th! JOIN OUR PRIVATE FB GROUP HERE!