Tag: christian

Let’s Start! Disciplines of A Godly Woman Book Study.

Welcome to our fall book study! I think this classic book, Disciplines of A Godly Woman, will be a blessing to you! If you want to join in, grab a copy of the book, and follow along reading just two chapters a week. If you 



When you think about hospitality, don’t think entertaining. Don’t think about impressing or killing yourself making a five course meal. Think hospital. Think healing. Think soul care.   Every day we cross paths with people who simply need kindness. And yet, kindness is so very 

Re-Thinking Self-Care and The Bare Minimum Self-Care Routine

Re-Thinking Self-Care and The Bare Minimum Self-Care Routine

We’re reading through ReFresh in our study group and the topic of self-care has emerged as a confusing concept for many of us. What exactly is self care? Is it selfish? Is it compatible with Christianity? Aren’t we supposed to deny ourselves? Isn’t self-care “taking thought for our 

Have We Lost Something? Missionary Wives Speak.

Do you ever wonder if we have lost something as American Christians? Have we lost perspective? Focus? Are our eyes on the right goals? We live in the wealthiest country in the whole world in a continual state of relative ease and comfort. Being a