Tag: new year

This year, you won’t find the fix for your broken.

Try as we might, plan as we may, this year, we won’t find the fix for our broken. All of our planning will not make us perfect. All of our will-power won’t fix our undesired circumstances or wrongly affectioned hearts. We might better ourselves in 

New Year’s Resolutions for the rest of us.

This post is for women who can barely get ready in the morning without littles banging on the bathroom door, for the mom who is nursing a baby and trying to train toddlers, the one who can barely eat a meal while it’s warm without 

Measuring God’s Goodness, In Joy or Trials.

How do you measure God’s goodness to you? If you are like me, you tend to equate material and physical blessings with God’s smile, and hardship and trial with God’s frown. When my kids are doing right, and we’re on top of the world (aka 

How I Plan and Prioritize My Weeks

Several of you have told me that you wish you could sit at my kitchen table and see how I plan our busy life so I thought I’d do a post about what that looks like. For years I’ve used this Weekly Priority Printable that I 

Small, Insignificant Goals for 2013

This is the post where I am supposed to tell you all about my New Years goals. It is not that I don’t have any goals, I do. But they seem a little silly to be writing down. I think my goal this year is