Letting Go of the Old, Welcoming the New: A Spiritual Spring Cleaning Checklist

Letting Go of the Old, Welcoming the New: A Spiritual Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is here and I feel like cleaning and decluttering my home. After helping my family clean out my grandmother’s house, I realized that my own home needed a thorough slimming down as I’d accumulated a lot of stuff over the years! I have plenty 

Marking 65 Years since the death of Jim Elliot

Marking 65 Years since the death of Jim Elliot

Today marks 65 years since the death of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian. These five men were martyred as they sought to take the Gospel and gifts to a remote people (Waodani/Auca) in Ecuador. Speared to death while trying 

Read With Me Challenge.

Read With Me Challenge.

Goodbye, 2020. {Waves} (Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. haha ) I’m excited for 2021. Want to join me in a reading challenge? Who wants to read the New Testament with me in January? Won’t that be a great reset for 

Our Good God: With Us, For Us

Our Good God: With Us, For Us

This week we welcomed our third granddaughter, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Grace into the world and I can’t stop thinking of God’s goodness to our family.   Peter and I are praising God for another precious granddaughter, and that both mother and baby are doing well. I 

Let Brokenness Be A Catalyst

Let Brokenness Be A Catalyst

As I watch the news, I’m once again, surprised by the brokenness of this world. I see rioters breaking businesses and glass and bodies, and harming neighborhoods and the real lives of normal people who are just trying to do the best they can, and 

Steadfast Souls in An Age of Screens

Steadfast Souls in An Age of Screens

Have you noticed that social media has been a little, shall we say, crazy lately? A simple scroll through reveals conspiracy theories, racial tensions, accusations, public shaming, hashtag activism, political wars that change 24/7.  We’re up to our ears in a constant tide of man’s 



When you think about hospitality, don’t think entertaining. Don’t think about impressing or killing yourself making a five course meal. Think hospital. Think healing. Think soul care.   Every day we cross paths with people who simply need kindness. And yet, kindness is so very 

8 Questions for Self-Reflection (Printable)

8 Questions for Self-Reflection (Printable)

A few weeks back on Instagram stories, I shared a series of questions that I work through whenever I am struggling with something that I want to understand and change. I use these 8 questions if I desire to change after a particularly convicting Scripture 

Grace-filled, Real-Life Mentoring

Grace-filled, Real-Life Mentoring

I’ve had the topic of mentoring on my mind for the past few weeks because a sweet young woman asked me to mentor her for a spell, and I’ve also had a few question on the topic asked by email, (which I am woefully behind 

The upside-down life.

The upside-down life.

I decide to make a little floral arrangement for my kitchen table the other day, and went outside, shears in hand, to forage for flowers. I found roses, pansies, butterfly bush and few filler flowers, but I needed another tall green for my arrangement. I