End of the Year Report for Homemaking

End of the Year Report for Homemaking

The end of the year is a time for reflection.

Many businesses and ministries give an annual report of their progress. It’s a way to remind interested parties of the direction, highlights, and worth of the work completed.
Imagine if mothers sent out an end of year recap? I imagine it might look something like this.

A Homemakers End of the Year Report

“At the end of this year, the public perception of our position as “full time mother” or homemaker continues to decline, with approval ratings at an all time low.
Still, we persevere to achieve our strategic goals of making our loved ones feel loved and safe, building relationships with all who enter the home, and reaching into the community for the sake of Christ.

We utilized the tools of home, hard work, food, quality time, education, community, and hospitality in order to serve others.

We’ve personally cooked and served hundreds of healthy meals to hungry souls, offered tea and snacks and friendship to those who knocked on our door, provided first aid and nursing to sick children, visited the sick, tutored students in math, English, and Latin, taught Biblical worldview and catechism classes, discussed politics, ethics, and morality, planned birthday parties, catered special occasions, housed traveling guests, hosted play days and youth group and homeschool support meetings, graduation parties and holidays. I’ve started new programs for the next generation of grandchildren, who naturally command a good chunk of our time.

We had hundreds of opportunities to teach in a small group setting, had discipleship groups with our God given family congregation and enjoyed kitchen table counseling.

Though the costs were great, and our cash output was sometimes greater than our cashflow (and quickly spent on things that were consumable!) we invested in things for the sake of blessing people and meeting needs.

At the end of the year, the return on investment may not be quantifiable but we believe the investment is sound.

We are not as fully automated or efficient as we could be because nothing can replace human hands or quality time.

This year, we plan to continue the work, investing in faith, believing that God will repay all we’ve spent.”
Moms, keep going! It’s all worthwhile! All to the glory of God!

For those who are readers, may I suggest these books to encourage you in your homemaking pursuits:

The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer

The Lifegiving Home by Sally Clarkson

Happy New Year!

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