When Life is Hard, Remember Who Is Present.

When Life is Hard, Remember Who Is Present.

One of the blessings of being a believer in Jesus Christ is the comfort that comes from knowing and believing that God is in control.  I know I tend to harp on that a lot here, but it’s a message that I need often, especially when circumstances are outside of my control.

I can’t always write freely about our fostering journey, but it comes with a good deal of ups and downs and worries. I was feeling the weight of that this past weekend, when in church we sang:

While all that borrows life from thee, is ever in thy care/And everywhere that man can be, thou God art present there.

It was a gentle reminder that God is present and with us and for us.  Emmanuel.  And that I am in His care, as well as my adult children, my kids who are away at college, and yes, even my foster son.

And while authority of every kind is looked upon as a negative concept in our culture, I’m so thankful for the sovereignty of God and the created order that He has established. He rules and reigns and we can rejoice because the reigning King is a good and kind one.


Friends, nothing is outside of God’s control.

Nobody is powerful enough to overturn His will.

He is working out all things for your good and His glory and that doesn’t mean that life here will be trouble-free, but it does mean that in our trouble, He is there, and it is under His jurisdiction, and it will work together for good. I’m sure that you have unwanted parts of your life and for some, life has taken turns that we could never have foreseen. Life is hard and in this world we will have trouble.

Maybe the thing that haunts you–that hurt, that void, that unfulfilled desire, that tender spot– is the thing that God will use to conform you into the image of His Son, and will be a gateway to greater knowledge of Him. Maybe it is the very thing that will grow your faith, so you can encourage others and point them to Christ. I don’t know your secret hurts, and you don’t know mine, but just maybe it is really God’s protection over you in your life?  Maybe that void is what keeps you dependent or humble. Maybe it’s a good thing that is being withheld and you can’t understand why, but maybe it is meant to put your eyeballs squarely on the BEST THING (God) so you will pursue Him fiercely. Maybe if you had what you desired, you’d have to depend on Him less? Maybe the closed door is a detour to push you along the path He intends for you to go so you can do the work He intended for you from the foundation of the world? I don’t know why and neither do you and that’s ok. We can trust Him.

As you walk today, and as you love those in your sphere, remember that we are all under His care, and not one detail of your life is out of control today. He holds all things by the Word of His power. Not one sparrow drops without His notice. Not one tear falls without His capture of it. Nothing can thwart His plans– Not your sin, not another’s sin, not your life, not another’s life, not your sickness, not your strength, not your limitations, not even your death. He wins in the end and this should bring us amazing and indescribable peace.

3 thoughts on “When Life is Hard, Remember Who Is Present.”

  • Amen…thanks for sharing
    And reminding us to be Humble and Pursue Joy and be Filled up with Joy…
    His Strength

  • You are such an inspiration! Love reading your posts and they always seem to come when I need them most. Coincidence? I don’t think, more of a God thing!!

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