Small Changes That Are Already Paying Off

The other day I told you all my thoughts about Money Saving Moms Book Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life and how much I enjoyed it.  (See my review of it here)

I really like to make time in my schedule for people. I think the house, the cleaning, the work that goes into a home is all for a purpose: so you can love people well.


Although we do have people over quite often and hospitality is one of my main ministries, I’d still like to do more.

Crystal suggested doing tasks in 15 minute chunks and this has done two things for me: made me concentrate on the task at hand, and motivated me to work faster.

This week, in fifteen minutes chunks, I:

  • cleaned/organized a kitchen cabinet a day, most particularly, my spice cabinet.
  • walked one mile a day with Leslie Sansone. (I just love her! You can watch her videos free on YouTube.)
  • wrote notes of encouragement or a thank you cards
  • decluttered a zone in my home
  • called a friend
  • started dinner by thawing meat, prepping veggies
  • washed a window
  • dusted a room
  • wrote a blog post
  • planned for next week

Being more efficient with my housework and personal care gives me more time and energy to do the fun things in life with the people I love.

Have you read Say Goodbye to Survival Mode? What was the most helpful tip you learned? How do you mainline your cleaning routine? What motivates you to get things done so you can get to the really important stuff: people?

6 thoughts on “Small Changes That Are Already Paying Off”

  • I was feeling bad about the time I use to exercise. It takes about an hour a day, including showers; meanwhile, my house wasn’t getting picked up. So I decided on the three days I do my 15 minute weights routine, my warm-up would be cleaning an area of the house for 15 to 30 minutes. I do it before the kids are up, and it’s been working very well!

    • Yeah, 15 minutes a day is all it takes. And there is so much free online. And good health is so important for caring for your family well. I’m glad to be “on the wagon” again. 🙂

  • Sarah, I haven’t read the book, but I have been “practicing” the same disciplines (including exercise with Leslie!) 🙂 I have been amazed at what I can actually get done in a few minutes.
    In fact, as I was putting towels away in the linen closet, I took the time to just straighten it up and it was only a few minutes time. I have also done it with different drawers, cupboards and the refrigerator. Thanks so much for sharing! I am encouraged to get more done today!

    • It’s such common sense, but sometimes I slip into bad habits of procrastinating or being distracted. Setting that timer is a great encourager to MOVE. 🙂

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