Grace-filled, Real-Life Mentoring

Grace-filled, Real-Life Mentoring

I’ve had the topic of mentoring on my mind for the past few weeks because a sweet young woman asked me to mentor her for a spell, and I’ve also had a few question on the topic asked by email, (which I am woefully behind 

Getting Help {Ministry Wives Series}

We’re continuing our Ministry Wives (MW) series where I try to answer your questions about ministry life. Last week we talked about difficult friendships. This week, we’re answering a frequent question: “Where do I go for help? Who’ll mentor me when I struggle?” I’ll tell 

Seeking Friendship {Ministry Wives Edition}

For the next few posts I’ll be answering a few ministry related questions I’ve received over the last few months. Hopefully, by reading someone else’s perspective, it’ll help you make sense of your situation. I know every ministry situation is different and has its own 

The Grace Table

Today I want to talk about one of my favorite topics, hospitality, and the concept of stewarding our homes as grace-giving spaces where others find favor and kindness under our roof (or in our presence) whether they deserve it or not. I want us to 

How to Go From Pleasant to Bitter In A Decade

We all want to age gracefully, but that doesn’t just happen. In fact, in a decades time, we can go from sweet to bitter or vice versa. And although beauty is only skin deep, bitterness of soul goes straight to the bone and can poison 

How to Mentor Others {and Benefit from Being Mentored.}

This article, Where are all the Titus 2 Women has deeply resonated with my readers. We’re continuing this discussion today. A mentoring friendship is one of those relationships that needs to be handled with care. I’ve been mentored and I’ve mentored others I wanted to share 

Why I Won’t Recommend the Pearl’s Books

This is my first ever negative book review. I usually don’t waste my time telling you about books that I dislike. I’d rather emphasize the positive and move on to tell you about titles that I feel are edifying and helpful. But, after Tim Challais 

What You Can Learn from Sarah Edwards

I love observing older women and learning how to act  from them (and how not to act!). I was recently chatting with another pastor’s wife and was thanking her for being such a good example to me. Her life is characterized by a walk that fears God: humility, kindness, goodness and a life free 

What happened to all the Titus 2 Mentors? – Part 2

For whatever reason, Titus 2 mentoring brings a mix of emotions.  Fear and insecurity, on the part of the older women, and frustration on the part of the younger women, who are wondering why all of the older women are MIA. I received a lot 

What Happened to All the Titus 2 Mentors?

Last night I spoke to a sweet group of home schooling moms about the topic of keeping Your devotional life devotional. I was so encouraged by their desire to teach their children God’s word. We sat and chatted afterwards and as we spoke, the “topic”