Getting Help {Ministry Wives Series}

We’re continuing our Ministry Wives (MW) series where I try to answer your questions about ministry life. Last week we talked about difficult friendships. This week, we’re answering a frequent question: “Where do I go for help? Who’ll mentor me when I struggle?” I’ll tell 

Are You Accomplishing Anything For God?

Maybe you’re discouraged today, dear friend. Maybe you’re wondering if what you’re doing matters in the long run. Last week I wondered, too. I was reading over a list of New Year’s questions (meant for personal reflection and growth) from a sweet friend in a 

Straight Talk About Renewing Your Mind

Maybe you assume that because my blog is named Joy-Filled Days, that I am naturally a half-glass full, Pollyanna type who always sees the good in everyone and everything. That is not true. You know from reading here that choosing joy is a choice I