What I’m up to lately.

So, I’m writing an e-book. Ahem.

It is nearly done, just a few more tweaks. You’ll hear more about that in a few days. But for now, think Christmas on a dime, and dealing with a tough economy during the holidays, M-kay?

And today I am collecting donations for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. If you are in the area and can bring diapers, new underwear, socks or toiletries, gently used clothes, warm coats…whatever…to our house, we have a friend who’ll be taking care of delivering the goods to NY and NJ. We need them by tomorrow (Tuesday). And if you stop in, don’t mind the mess; things are a little chaotic right now.

But, I am learning to give thanks for the messes. It is all good.

Oh, and don’t forget to vote tomorrow. AS IF you guys would! 😉

Peter shared this on Facebook and it was a good look at why conservatism works. We can’t afford to be on the same collision course for four more years. We definitely need a change! Exercise your right to vote. You know I have strong opinions on this one. 🙂

More on the book later, but right now, we have a country to save. 🙂


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