Summer Book Study Info: “For the Children’s Sake.”

Summer Book Study Info: “For the Children’s Sake.”

Hello! I hope you are all enjoying the summer. This week has been like a mini-retreat for me as my schedule has been quite free and open. I’ve been spending my mornings leisurely sipping coffee and diving into the Word.

Currently, I’m studying John 13-17, which is one of the most well-known passages of scripture depicting what Jesus did in the last 24 hours of his life. If you only had 24 hours to live and you knew it, how would you spend your time? I encourage you to check out John 13-17 sometime and see how that compares with how our wonderful Lord spent his final day. It’s so humbling to know that instead of being preoccupied with himself, Jesus served his disciples–even his betrayer– and prayed for us. Afternoons have been spent puttering around, cleaning out a drawer here and a book shelf there. I’ve had lots of lovely grandkids time (and did I mention that we have our seventh grandchild on the way?). The Lord has given me some meaningful ways to help meet the real needs around me in my little corner of the world. What more could you ask for?

Oh, and we’ve also had quite a heat wave (90’s for a few days!) so I’ve been doing studying and writing during the hours when it’s too hot to work.

Anywho…the book study.

If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education, join us by reading For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaefer Macauley.

In case you didn’t know, Susan was the daughter of Francis and Edith Schaeffer, founders of the L’Abri community in Switzerland. Their amazing influence and her L’Abri upbringing informs and permeates this book about true education and godly, respectful dealings with any person who stands before you, especially the children that God entrusts to us for a season to train and educate for His glory.

This is a gentle introduction to the CM method. It simplifies what has been unnecessarily complicated by many. In this book you will learn the definition of true education, and it probably looks different than what you experienced in a traditional school setting. You’ll realize that you don’t need to spend a ton of money on boxed CM curriculum when you understand CM’s philosophy. (I’m thankful there were not as many products and services available to me back when I started homeschooling my children over 25 years ago. I was forced to read her original volumes, and really had to grapple with her philosophy, and I believe if you so the same, it will keep you from investing in all.the.CM.things because you’ll have the tools and confidence to know how to proceed.)

So without further ado…here’s what you need to know!

In person Book Study: If you are near the South Shore area of Massachusetts and want to join us in person this Wednesday (June 26) at 1:30pm, email me at and I will give you all the details and location. We have a lovely group of new and seasoned homeschooling moms who are meeting to discuss the CM method and answer your questions. Children are welcome to come play. We will have the sweetest responsible teen helpers to watch your children, and ask that you give them a small donation for doing so via Venmo, to bless them as they bless us…and because they never ask for anything!

Instagram story discussions will follow the day after the in person study.

Dates for discussion schedule:

June 26th in person, June 27th on IG: Chapters 1&2

July 10th in person, July 11th on IG: Chapters 3&4

July 24th in person, July 25th on IG: Chapters 4&5

Email me if you have any questions! Hope this is an encouraging read for you!

1 thought on “Summer Book Study Info: “For the Children’s Sake.””

  • How I’d love to join you! Maybe in the future you can do a virtual book club to learn and discuss online 🙂

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