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Does God Care About How You Do Your Housework?

Does God Care About How You Do Your Housework?

Does how you do your housework matter, in the grand scheme of things? I’m not talking about whether you choose Pine Sol or Mr. Clean for tough jobs, air your beds out in the morning or make them right away, or if you get to 

Homemaking facilitates the messy art of life.

Homemaking facilitates the messy art of life.

Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 If you live in a home, you are a homemaker. Maybe the very word homemaking makes you sigh and reminds you that you need to 

The Awesome Ministry of Homemaking

The Awesome Ministry of Homemaking

This post is intended for young Christian homemakers and mothers. I qualify this because the internet is a wide, vast land of varying opinions and worldviews, and I know this topic will be strange to many. Some will think that this topic is an “oppressed” 

How cravings bring conflict and how to step  off the desire-demand-dominate-destroy loop.

How cravings bring conflict and how to step off the desire-demand-dominate-destroy loop.

We’ve been talking about the current outrage culture that has fueled so much contempt in our interactions with one another. Outrage has become a cheap substitute for morality in our country. We no longer value actual morals like telling the truth, loving your neighbor, or 

What happens when cancel culture comes to dinner?

What happens when cancel culture comes to dinner?

Last post, we asked some questions about cancel culture. Perhaps it’s best to think about the ugliness of cancel culture played out around a kitchen table. Imagine with me, that you are seated around a beautifully set dinner table with eight other people, a shared 

How do we change our toxic outrage culture?

How do we change our toxic outrage culture?

Several weeks back, I told you I was mulling an article on the outrage culture. I’ve started this article over and over again and have had many talks with Peter about the subject, and honestly, it’s a huge, multi-faceted topic that’s hard to narrow into 

How to Read the Old Testament in 90 Days

How to Read the Old Testament in 90 Days

Did you know that you can finish the Old Testament in 90 days by reading for about a half hour a day? Last month, many of you joined me in the Read the New Testament in 30 Days challenge, and can you believe are are 

Marking 65 Years since the death of Jim Elliot

Marking 65 Years since the death of Jim Elliot

Today marks 65 years since the death of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian. These five men were martyred as they sought to take the Gospel and gifts to a remote people (Waodani/Auca) in Ecuador. Speared to death while trying 

Knowing Ourselves

Knowing Ourselves

A few weeks back I posted on Instagram about the need for fewer celebrity “pastors” after the news broke of yet another affair by a popular celebrity Christian. I rarely name the “guilty” here because there are always innocent victims to consider, namely a wife 

Read With Me Challenge.

Read With Me Challenge.

Goodbye, 2020. {Waves} (Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. haha ) I’m excited for 2021. Want to join me in a reading challenge? Who wants to read the New Testament with me in January? Won’t that be a great reset for