Getting Help {Ministry Wives Series}

We’re continuing our Ministry Wives (MW) series where I try to answer your questions about ministry life. Last week we talked about difficult friendships. This week, we’re answering a frequent question: “Where do I go for help? Who’ll mentor me when I struggle?” I’ll tell 

Seeking Friendship {Ministry Wives Edition}

For the next few posts I’ll be answering a few ministry related questions I’ve received over the last few months. Hopefully, by reading someone else’s perspective, it’ll help you make sense of your situation. I know every ministry situation is different and has its own 

Are You Already Divorced Emotionally?

Studies say that half of Christian marriages will end in divorce. Half. After being married for 22 years, I wish I could tell my own daughters and young Christian women that marriage is a piece of cake, that you figure it out as time goes 

Are You Dead? Check Your Tongue.

We spend a lot of time and effort to make sure our physical bodies are healthy. We are taught to know our bodies and to be self aware when it comes to what our symptoms are telling us. Our words can tell us a lot about 

What happened to all the Titus 2 Mentors? – Part 2

For whatever reason, Titus 2 mentoring brings a mix of emotions.  Fear and insecurity, on the part of the older women, and frustration on the part of the younger women, who are wondering why all of the older women are MIA. I received a lot 

What Happened to All the Titus 2 Mentors?

Last night I spoke to a sweet group of home schooling moms about the topic of keeping Your devotional life devotional. I was so encouraged by their desire to teach their children God’s word. We sat and chatted afterwards and as we spoke, the “topic” 

We Are All Stinky Sheep

Today, I am excited to have my friend Crystal Joos guest posting. I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Crystal a few weeks back while we were on vacation, and we had an enjoyable chat about children, homeschooling, and ministry. I know 

“New Apps”: New Appropriates for Women

Sarah Hudson is guest posting today. She is an “IRL” friend (in real life),  a missionary wife and fellow home schooling mother. (She is also one of the most hospitable people I know, and I am always amazed at how she serves others through hospitality.) 

A Wise Woman is Word-Filled

Brrrring. “Hello?” “Hi. Do you have a minute? I just wanted to pick your brain about something I’ve been struggling with.” When someone calls you for help, do you counsel from the Word? Are you prepared to answer life’s questions biblically? We have already addressed 

Three ways you seem unapproachable.

We’re stepping into our Women of Wisdom series, and talking about ways to effectively mentor the next generation of younger women. Many of you said that one reason you would not seek counsel from an older woman was if she was unfriendly or unapproachable. You