Letting Go of the Old, Welcoming the New: A Spiritual Spring Cleaning Checklist

Letting Go of the Old, Welcoming the New: A Spiritual Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is here and I feel like cleaning and decluttering my home. After helping my family clean out my grandmother’s house, I realized that my own home needed a thorough slimming down as I’d accumulated a lot of stuff over the years! I have plenty 

Pre-Hospitality Heart Check

Pre-Hospitality Heart Check

I’m starting a little series on hospitality, that I hope will encourage you as you seek to open your home and life to others. We know, as women of God, that hospitality is not for just for the Martha Stewarts and June Cleavers of the 

Grace-filled, Real-Life Mentoring

Grace-filled, Real-Life Mentoring

I’ve had the topic of mentoring on my mind for the past few weeks because a sweet young woman asked me to mentor her for a spell, and I’ve also had a few question on the topic asked by email, (which I am woefully behind 

Obedience: The test of love.

Obedience: The test of love.

When my kids were young, I quickly realized that I needed to give them lots of verbal instruction when we were  out shopping. “Ok, unbuckle and wait for me. We’re in a parking lot and it’s dangerous. Don’t just open the door.” “No hanging off 

A Parenting Gem from Charlotte Mason, That Nearly Every Other Parenting Book Missed

I’m re-reading Home Education by Charlotte Mason and I stumbled upon this nugget of mothering goodness that stayed with me for months and wanted to share it, as I don’t recall ever reading it explained this way anywhere else. (And let’s be honest, you’ve seen 

What is Important Ministry Work?

“Does my work matter in the grand scheme of things? And how do I live a life of ministry to God and others if I’m home all day with kids?” I asked myself this question many times over the years as a stay at home 

A few ways that mid-life is better than being 20-something.

We live in a culture that worships youth and all that goes with it. Advertisers daily remind me that I need anti-aging creams and miracle fixes to make my middle age wrinkles re-wind the clock and bring me back to a better time and look. 

A Little Encouragement For When Life Isn’t What You Expected

Some people like surprises and some don’t. I like good surprises like flowers or a card, but I don’t generally like surprises, especially when it comes to “life.” I like to know the ground rules. I like to know what I can expect, and of 

Homeschooling Mom, You Are in Charge of Your Happiness.

I spoke to a younger homeschooling mom this week who was clearly exhausted and suffering from burn-out. After telling me why she was dreading the next two months of “school” , I asked her if she’d ever considered this: “You are completely in charge of 

Getting Help {Ministry Wives Series}

We’re continuing our Ministry Wives (MW) series where I try to answer your questions about ministry life. Last week we talked about difficult friendships. This week, we’re answering a frequent question: “Where do I go for help? Who’ll mentor me when I struggle?” I’ll tell