Cozy Home Challenge Week 2 {Front Door Decor!}

Cozy Home Challenge Week 2 {Front Door Decor!}

It’s Monday, time for another Cozy Home Challenge. First, the good news. The winner of the Gracelaced Book is RUTH MOORE. Congratulations! I’ll pop that in the mail for you! Today’s challenge: Decorate your front door. My sisters and I always say that if someone just 

Family Photos and Updates

It’s been a while since I updated this space with family updates so this post will be news-y. Our biggest life update is that our daughter Emily is engaged to be married to her childhood friend, Sam. Sam surprised her by proposing two days before 

A Newsy, Political-free Post

This is going to be newsy because I haven’t had much time to blog in a while. I’m staying off-line for the most part because of the drama/hate/turmoil of the election. It breaks my heart to see the lows of humanity and the fact that 

DIY Old Pewter Mint Julep Cups

It’s the weekend and this week I’ve been crafting up a storm for our daughter’s upcoming wedding festivities. I wanted to decorate one event using the very popular “mint julep cups” look. If you don’t know what I mean, go on pinterest and search “mint 

God’s Providence Printables

I love to use Scripture or inspirational quotes to decorate my home. I made this series of 5″X7″ quotes to accompany my “When Life’s Hard, Remember these 4 Truths” post from a while back. I thought maybe you’d enjoy them for your home as well. 

DIY Spring Bird’s Nest Tutorial

Even though we still have two feet of snow on the ground, I’m working on decorating my house for spring. Today my goal was to finish decorating my mantle. I made this bird’s nest for the mantle and thought I’d share how I made it. 

What My Mother’s Decorating Taught Me About God

Our house was always the coziest house I knew. My mother loved to decorate and it was evident when you walked in the door. At Christmas time, the rustic stone fireplace that my dad built was piled high with luscious greenery, berries, lights, candles, seasonal 

A Valentine Tree {Made Possible Because of Another Tree}

Snippets of paper have always been a favorite means of decorating in the Beals household. They’re beautiful and inexpensive and can be manipulated to make pictures, snowflakes, cards and tags, garlands, and Valentines. And manipulated they are. When the kids were little, they’d make bowls 

Merry Christmas, Meager Budget is Now Available!

I am SO excited to tell you about our brand new ebook, Merry Christmas, Meager Budget   Let’s face it, this economy is tough and everyone is feeling the pinch. My sister Beth and I wrote this book to give you tips, tutorials and plain 

Keeping Traditions {by making Christmas tags}

Each year we take an afternoon to make homemade Christmas tags.   We stamp cream cardstock with permanent ink, and then color them with watercolor or Prismacolors. Then we mount them on colorful cardstock. Here are some photos: We also made a few seaonal displays.