What I Love/Hate About Blogging: Updated List

In 2012, as a fairly new blogger, I shared this list of reasons I love/hate blogging. My blog has grown, and my reasons have changed–it’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, right? Reasons I love blogging: 1. Blogging is personal in an impersonal world. You can really 

Thoughts from the Sally Clarkson Own Your Life Webcast

First off, today’s my youngest’s 12th birthday! We’re celebrating by a special lunch and shopping.   Last night I watched Sally Clarkson’s webcast for her new book Own Your Life. (There are big giveaways on her blog including a trip to one of her Whole 

Guest Post and My Sorta Resolutions

Happy New Year! First order of business is to tell you that I am guest posting at Overcomer Outreach talking about all the possibilities a new year presents and how to walk into the  future with confidence, while taking “possession” of all the blessings we have in Christ. 

Facebook’s Quiet Change: Your Restricted List Is Gone. {Yes, They Can See It All.}

Anyone else notice that Facebook has removed your restricted list? Yes, overnight, it seems to be gone. So anyone you had “restricted” from seeing your posts can now see them. Why do people restrict what other people can see?  For many reasons. Maybe a teacher 

Special Offer: Two Free Chapters of our Christmas Ebook

Psssst. We’re trying to spread the word about our Christmas ebook  Merry Christmas, Meager Budget and we decided to ask you for a trade. Would you share on social media for us? And as a thank you, we’ll give you two free chapters of Merry Christmas, 

What I Love/Hate About Blogging

I’ve had a couple friends ask me about blogging lately, so I thought I would give you my take as a semi-new blogger. First of all, what I love about blogging: 1. I love that it forces me to put into words what I am