30 Day Summer Bible Memory Challenge

30 Day Summer Bible Memory Challenge

Hello. Can you believe summer is here?

I am so looking forward to REST this summer but I don’t want to coast in my Christian walk.

I don’t want to waste my summer, so to that end, I was praying about what book study we could do as a community. For some reason, nothing stuck, though I’ve read and shared some excellent books this past year. Know what kept coming to mind, though? Bible memorization, that’s what.

Did you just groan audibly? he, he.Well, let me sell it to you.

Bible memorization will benefit you! It’s quite possibly the best way to encourage and challenge yourself this summer. If you’ve felt discouraged and defeated by the world news around you, maybe it’s a good idea to put more of God’s truth in the forefront of your mind each and every day.

What we put in our minds changes us, good or bad!

The Bible tells us to think on the things that are true, lovely, and good but so many days we find ourselves weighed down by the negative messages swirling all around us. Our bodies and minds are affected, sisters, so let’s be ready to guard our hearts and minds and renew them!

So, that’s what we’re going to do! Hide God’s word in our hearts together! We start JUNE 1!!

During the pandemic, I began the Navigator’s Topical Memory System and I have to tell you that it has been so, so, so very encouraging and helpful to me in my Christian walk. God’s truth combats the lies of this world and the lies that swirl in our own minds.

Have you been tempted to believe that you are all alone? That you have to fend for yourself? That this world is spiraling out of control? Have you ever thought that God is disappointed in you and is barely tolerating you? That God would never choose to use someone who has failed as many times as you have?

Well my friend, Get into your Bible and see that EVERY one of those lies is not true. Truth matters for our spiritual and mental health. It matters as we set our course of life and our daily actions and reactions. Truth matters and you find truth in the Word of God.

Hiding God’s Word in your heart not only encourages you, but the Holy Spirit brings it to your mind when you least expect it. When the flesh is strong, the Holy Spirit and God’s Word are there to give you what you need for victory. When you memorize scripture, you are armed for spiritual battle.

So I’m doing a 30 day challenge over on Instagram. You can either download the Navigator’s Total Memory System app which is $4.99 right now, or all of the verse lists are online free. I’ll also be posting the verse of the day on IG and the Quizzlet App (a techno-flashcard app) has pre-made practice cards made for the Topical Memory System in the NIV, NASB, and ESV. (Nobody has made a KJV quizzlet deck yet. I might try!)

So here’s what I suggest for those trying to memorize with this challenge.

  1. Print this page and stick it in your Bible or head to Instagram’s @joyfilleddays for the daily verse.
  2. Read your daily verse 5 times out loud in the morning.
  3. Post your daily verse where you’ll see it often. Read it when you see it.
  4. Try to say it to your kids, spouse, or friend.
  5. Read it before you go to bed and try to recite it without looking.
  6. On the daily IG verse post, Comment DONE when you’ve memorized and SHARED if you recited it to a friend. Also, you can say your verse in IG stories and share your progress.
  7. Use the hashtag #summermemorychallenge to find others who are sharing their progress.

That’s it.

Though you may not fully memorize it on day one, you will still be storing it’s truths in heart. As the challenge goes on, go back and re -read the previous verses so you don’t forget. Memorization isn’t a one and done endeavor. The more you re-read, the better it solidifies in your mind.

Also, a word about sticky memories. 😉

Years ago I switched versions of the Bible and stared reading the ESV though I grew up soley memorizng from the KJV. No matter how hard I tried, I struggled with memorization from the ESV. My kids memorized the ESV with no problem, but I could never recall it when I tried. I decided to only memorize from the KJV so that I wouldn’t lose ground in my memorization. So now I read and study from the ESV (and others: NASB, Amplified, NIV for clarity) but I stick to the KJV because I don’t want to forget God’s Word.

I tell you all that to say: choose the version that will stick with you.

Are you ready to try to memorize with purpose for one month? We start June 1st. I’ll see you over on Instagram!

Verses on Living the New Life

Christ the Center2 Corinthians 5:17Galatians 2:20
Obedience to ChristRomans 12:1John 14:21
The Word2 Timothy 3:16Joshua 1:8
PrayerJohn 15:7Philippians 4:6,7
FellowshipMatthew 18:20Hebrews 10:24,25
WitnessingMatthew 4:19Romans 1:16

Verses on Proclaiming Christ (The Gospel)

All Have SinnedRomans 3:23Isaiah 53:6
Sin’s PenaltyRomans 6:23Hebrews 9:27
Christ Paid the PenaltyRomans 5:81 Peter 3:18
Salvation is not by WorksEphesians 2:8,9Titus 3:5
Must Receive ChristJohn 1:12Revelation 3:20
Assurance of Salvation1 John 5:13John 5:24

Verses on Relying On God’s Resources

His Spirit1 Corinthians 3:161 Corinthians 2:12
His StrengthIsaiah 41:10Philippians 4:13
His FaithfulnessLamentations 3:22,23Numbers 23:19

You’ll note that some days verse sets have two verses, so take two days for those.

Are you ready? Set? Let’s memorize! <3

2 thoughts on “30 Day Summer Bible Memory Challenge”

  • Thank you for sharing this list. I saved it for future reference. I am working on another memory project, but will be following along. Have you read Janet Pope’s His Word in My Heart? It really helped me in this area of my spiritual life. I totally understand about memorizing in KJV. I memorized in that version since I was a child. I have tried to memorize from other versions and can’t seem to get it! I’m so glad you are doing this as your summer study. Memorizing Scripture has been life-changing for me. It’s the only way I can control my thinking.

    • You are most welcome! Yes, I have read Janet Pope’s book. Excellent encouragement! I found that during the pandemic, scripture memory was a lifeline. I found my mind naturally landing on what I was dwelling on. 😊What a novel concept! 😂 I don’t think we realize how much we do feed our minds with negative news or the social media outrage du jour – – but it all has an impact on us…and we have a choice. ❤️ Rom12:2 Have a wonderful day, Kim!

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