Honoring God With My Priorities (plus a Printable Weekly Planner)

Life gets busy and before you know it, if I am not careful, I can be swept away in its tide.

So, in order to live intentionally  I sit down on the weekend and plan my entire week. I know that God has given me things that only I can accomplish, for instance, caring for my husband, children and home.  It is God’s will that I do these things (Titus 2) and they  have to be top priority.

Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don’t want anyone looking down on God’s Message because of their behavior. Titus 2: 3–6

So my weekly list looks something like this:

  • Devotional Life
  • Peter
  • Children
  • Home
  • Extended Family/Friends
  • Outside ministries

My lone planning session usually only takes a few minutes, but I schedule in the things that I know are the most important in my life right now. Here is my printable planning worksheet.Weekly Priorities

Devotional Life– I jot down what I will study from God’s word, what commentary to use, verses to memorize, etc.

My husband, Peter– How can I build that  relationship this week?  Maybe by planning a special coffee/dessert time for just the two of us. Maybe it will be a lunch date. What is it that he is trying to get done this week and how can I help him to  accomplish that goal.

The kids–  What special thing can we do this week together?  Maybe an afternoon tea or walk in the woods. Maybe Christmas crafts. What is it that I want to teach them this week from God’s word? What are they struggling with individually, and how can I address each little need?

The Home– this would include organizing, seasonal decorating or any small improvement that I would like to make.

Extended Family/Friends– This includes our parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews and friends. Who has a special need this week? Have I been in touch by phone or email?  Who needs encouragement this week? Are there any special birthdays or anniversaries that we need to honor?

Outside Ministries– These are opportunities to do good unto all men. They may include entertaining in our home, serving at our local church, volunteering or visiting the sick or elderly.

When I stand before Christ someday, I know that I will be responsible for the people who lived under my roof first and foremost. I am responsible for my husband and children ,as they are for me.  When God gave me a husband and children, my priorities became them. By caring for them “as unto the Lord” I can make the gospel of Jesus Christ look attractive to the world. And by taking care of my children’s souls well, I am nurturing the soil of their hearts as I gently plant the seeds of God’s word into their little minds.

So here are some photos of some of our special times this week.

Late night tea party and movie with Mom and Dad
Daddy bought special desserts.
The youngest girls set a special fall table for dinner.
Gingerbread House Decorating
Mint Hot Chocolate, anyone?

Need some help with time management? Consider this 30 page ebook, Tell Your Time that gets rave reviews, and is written by one of my bloggers, Amy.

2 thoughts on “Honoring God With My Priorities (plus a Printable Weekly Planner)”

  • I am so thankful for the timeless word of God! Even though I discovered this over ten years later, it is still applicable today. As a single woman with no children, I find this to be a simple way to prioritize life. Though God has not given me a husband or children, the other categories can easily take on a larger portion of my time/energy/focus. I have also toyed with the idea of incorporating service to widows and orphans in this list. Thank you for sharing and God bless!

  • Oh this is sooo good…I have been praying about being more intentional about putting my walk with the Lord first , then my Husband, then my children and then what God places before me….. there are A LOT of good things that I could be doing…but I need to do what is first BEST!! Thanks for sharing!

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